TEA Lovers

Tea Mesh

Tea Mesh

Want to drink your favorite brew anytime, anywhere? Can be done perfectly thanks to our Tea mesh . This clickable grid fits on the Etna cup and catches all loose tea leaves, so that you don't end up in your mouth with them later.

The tea mesh has SNAPCLEAN® technology. This means that you can easily click the mechanism in and out of the 3-in-1 lid when you want to warm yourself with a cup of tea.

Getting your Tea Mesh ready for its next assignment? The washing machine is your best friend!

tea catcher

tea catcher

Meet our Tea Catcher : the perfect partner for your Etna bottle on the go. No more leaves floating around in your tea, and too strong, bitter tea is also a thing of the past.

Our Tea Catcher snaps perfectly into your tea mesh, allowing your tea to steep and can be easily removed once your magic cup is set.

Where should you leave your Tea Catcher after use, you might ask? In its own special box of course! That saves a lot of hassle when you're on the road or sipping and walking, doesn't it?

How do you get started?

Hey, you don't think we're going to let you down and explain how this all works, do you? Watch the video and see for yourself how quickly you can make a tea on the go!

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